Jarra del hidrómetro (11,5 pulg.) con fondo de tornillo
Two piece molded plastic allows for easy cleaning. Will work with any of our hydrometers except the +5/-5 brix specialized wine hydrometer.
Termómetro de tira adhesiva
Descripción Verifique su temperatura de fermentación sin tener que abrir su fermentador. Este termómetro adhesivo viene con un adhesivo imp...
Ver todos los detallesEscala
Electronic Grain Scale - 55lbs A great scale at a great price. This can weigh a full sack, and then a bit more! Customers love them for at home m...
Ver todos los detallesMatraz Erlenmeyer
Erlenmeyer flasks are ideal for yeast culturing, mixing solutions, or running sample trials for beer or wine preparations. Product notes: 1 Liter...
Ver todos los detallesTermómetro digital de lectura instantánea KegLand con sonda plegable
A perfect pocket temperature probe for homebrewing and BBQ! Check the temperature of your mash, whirlpool additions, or use it to check the interna...
Ver todos los detallesJeringa de plástico, 10 ml
This plastic syringe is perfect for measuring out acid additions or other small amounts of liquid. Perfectly suitable for multiple uses in brewing ...
Ver todos los detallesAlcoholímetro Proof & Tralles
Hydrometer for testing alcohol levels in distilled spirits. Will only work in solutions of ethanol and water, will not read the alcohol levels of b...
Ver todos los detallesSolución de calibración de Ph 4oz
7.00 can also be used for storage when pH storage solution is not available.Expires after 6 months if unopened. Expires after 3 months if opened.
Tiras Ph 4.6-6.2 (100 tiras)
pH indicator strips in the range of 4.6 - 6.2 pH, the ranges typically seen in brewing. The vial contains 100 strips, and a color reference chart f...
Ver todos los detallesMedidores de pH y soluciones
Economical pH meter for testing beer, wine, and other products. Features a simple 1 point calibration, accuracy of 0.1 pH, and a range of 0-14 pH. ...
Ver todos los detallesPapel de pH: 2,8 a 4,4 para vino
pH indicator strips in the range of 2.8 - 4.4 pH, the ranges typically seen in winemaking. The vial contains 100 strips, and a color reference char...
Ver todos los detallesAlla France - Hidrómetro de triple escala
Our basic hydrometer is an essential tool for testing starting and finishing beer gravity, or sugar content, in beer or wine fermentations. Has thr...
Ver todos los detallesTermómetro infrarojo
Descripción Tome lecturas de temperatura al instante y desde una distancia segura con esta pistola termómetro por infrarrojos. Úselo para...
Ver todos los detallesTermómetro de elaboración de cerveza 2"x12"
This brew thermometer conveniently clips to the inside of your kettle so you can constantly monitor your mash or boil kettle temps. Features a 2" d...
Ver todos los detallesSolución tampón de pH KegLand en polvo | 3 paquetes
Descripción Soluciones tampón de repuesto que se incluyen con el medidor de pH KegLand
Feels like professional lab equipment and worth every penny Made by leading brand in beer analysis but at a home user price. Get Fast and Accurate...
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